Entries by Murielle Tugendhaft

3 Simple Ways to Start Controlling Your Mind

What if everyone could hear your thoughts? If you’re like most people – that would not be a pleasant experience. In fact, it would probably be a pointedly unpleasant experience. Most people have don’t have control of their mind and are constantly thinking about anything and everything, like: “Hmm, I wonder what I’m going to […]

Changing for the Better

For those of you who know me – you know how much I’ve changed over the past 6 years! You’ve seen how much more fulfillment, love and joy I have in my life. For those of you who don’t know me quite so well, I wanted to take a moment to share with you what […]

9 Easy Steps to make a Magickal Bath

Self-Care to Relax and De-stress Self-care is so important for living a balanced, energized, and joyful life. Too often self-care gets deprioritized as we go about our lives, but, this leaves us feeling more drained and stressed. Taking the time to prioritize ourselves helps us refuel and reset to meet life as our best selves. […]

11 Ways to go from your Toughest Critic to Biggest Fan

  It seems all too common that the person most critical of ourselves is us. This toughness can make it hard when trying new things and even harder when mistakes are made or goals are not achieved. What would happen if instead of criticizing yourself for mistakes, you praise yourself for your efforts? There are have […]

Becoming a Superhero

Superheroes are incredible. There’s a reason why so many people are entranced by them. There’s a real awe in people who can save the world. I know I dreamt of being a superhero when I was a kid, and as an adult I absolutely love the Marvel movies. The Marvel universe in particular catches my […]

The Brightest Spring Follows the Darkest Winter

“The Brightest Spring follows the Darkest Winter.” This is a sentiment that is echoed through many sayings. The sun shines brighter after a dark night.  A candle shines brightest in the darkest room. There is this idea that we value positive things more when we’ve experienced their absence. Simply, the light seems brighter because we’ve […]

The Key to a Loving Relationship – Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself First As we enter the month of February, with Valentine’s day fast approaching, many people will be shifting their focus to their romantic relationship or the absence of it. With this heightened attention, I thought this would be a good time to share what I’ve found to be the key to having a […]

3 Easy Ways to Accomplish your New Year’s Resolutions

First… If you’re reading this you probably have some resolutions for the new year, or you’re thinking about making some. Consider your resolutions and ask yourself are they actually something you want to do? Seriously. Many people tend to pick New Year resolutions that are things they feel they “should” do, but don’t actually want […]

From Victimhood to Empowerment

A long time ago… Before I found the Modern Mystery School and the tools that would change my life forever, I was a victim. I was a victim of traumas I had sustained, and I was a victim to the PTSD I had. My life was dictated and ruled by my symptoms. If I was […]

Joyful Transformation

My Experience and Hope: I found the Lineage of King Salomon back in the late summer of 2015, and since then my life has completely transformed. The old life I used to live is virtually unrecognizable to who I am now. The change I underwent was filled with so much joy. Each shift releasing something […]