A long time ago…

Before I found the Modern Mystery School and the tools that would change my life forever, I was a victim. I was a victim of traumas I had sustained, and I was a victim to the PTSD I had. My life was dictated and ruled by my symptoms. If I was too anxious and scared, I could not do what I wanted and needed to do.

But, I believed that I could change this. Why? I felt my brain working in a way pattern that was drastically different from how it had previously. I believed I could repattern my brain back to how it worked before.

Turning things around

I spent a year working intensely on myself, doing therapy, learning grounding tools and coping mechanisms. Although I was making progress, I couldn’t seem to re-pattern my brain. I was able to cope more, finding ways to barely function normally, but still had debilitating symptoms.

Then I received the Life Activation and took Empower Thyself. Immediately my life started to transform. I had a major breakthrough with my progression and for the first time was really able to truly heal parts of myself and not just cope.

Walking my path

I continued with my path in the Lineage of King Salomon, each step providing me with greater insight into myself, more wholeness, joy, and fulfillment. I have healed my PTSD symptoms on this path, but I have benefits worth so much more. I have found that I truly create my life in every sense and the tools to effectively create it the way I desire.

I started feeling broken, feeling like everything was out of my control. I now feel whole, immense joy, and empowerment because I know I am in charge of my life.

This is what I’ve found from walking this path, what will you find?