A long time ago…

Before I found the Modern Mystery School and the tools that would change my life forever, I was a victim. I was a victim of traumas I had sustained, and I was a victim to the PTSD I had. My life was dictated and ruled by my symptoms. If I was too anxious and scared, I could not do what I wanted and needed to do.

But, I believed that I could change this. Why? I felt my brain working in a way pattern that was drastically different from how it had previously. I believed I could repattern my brain back to how it worked before.

Turning things around

I spent a year working intensely on myself, doing therapy, learning grounding tools and coping mechanisms. Although I was making progress, I couldn’t seem to re-pattern my brain. I was able to cope more, finding ways to barely function normally, but still had debilitating symptoms.

Then I received the Life Activation and took Empower Thyself. Immediately my life started to transform. I had a major breakthrough with my progression and for the first time was really able to truly heal parts of myself and not just cope.

Walking my path

I continued with my path in the Lineage of King Salomon, each step providing me with greater insight into myself, more wholeness, joy, and fulfillment. I have healed my PTSD symptoms on this path, but I have benefits worth so much more. I have found that I truly create my life in every sense and the tools to effectively create it the way I desire.

I started feeling broken, feeling like everything was out of my control. I now feel whole, immense joy, and empowerment because I know I am in charge of my life.

This is what I’ve found from walking this path, what will you find?

My Experience and Hope:

I found the Lineage of King Salomon back in the late summer of 2015, and since then my life has completely transformed. The old life I used to live is virtually unrecognizable to who I am now. The change I underwent was filled with so much joy. Each shift releasing something that was holding me back from being my true self. Being my real self is like a breath of fresh air; it feels freeing when I never knew there was something to be freed from.

The keys to initiating this change were simple, it was a clear path of progression. My hope is to assist others in following their own paths of progression, so they might also have lives filled with joy, prosperity and fulfillment.


My Joyful Transformation:

Before I underwent this change, I was struggling with a lot of issues in my life. I had extremely low self-confidence and self-worth. I struggled with depression and eating disorders for a number of years. I felt I needed someone to save me, to show me how to fix my life. Because of this, I ended up in abusive relationships where my partner would dictate my life and let me know how to ‘do things right.’

Then I shifted. Something clicked in me and I realized what had been happening to me was not okay. I deserved better and was worth more. I started working on myself, ending unhealthy relationships, creating stronger boundaries, and taking a hard look at my patterns.

The beginning was really difficult. I developed PTSD and I was having trouble functioning in day to day life. I was trying to completely rework the foundation of my life without many tools.

Then I found the Lineage of King Salomon. What I found was that instead of tirelessly working towards a goal, Modern Mystery School sessions and classes would change my energy structure so that the shift easily occurred in my life.


For example…

I used to be terrified of walking around on campus for fear of seeing my abusive ex. PTSD made this fear feel like my life was in danger, so it became extremely hard for me to leave my room, since every time I did it felt like I was about to die. I could tell myself that it would be okay, and I knew how to do self-care in case I did see him, but the extreme fear persisted. After my energy shifted, I no longer had the debilitating fear. I was able to walk around the campus easily, and in fact, on Carry That Weight Day of Action I was able to carry a mattress (expressing the fact that I had been sexually assaulted) and I was okay when I ran into him.

Shift Happens

I have found making changes and shifts to be infinitely easier by making those changes energetically first. The physical is the manifestation of the spiritual or energetic world. By changing the energetic component, we are changing something before it is fully created. This makes shifting significantly easier.

My life today looks like one free from PTSD, anxiety, and depression. I am filled with love for myself, love for others, happiness and joy. I am doing what I am passionate about. I am unafraid of being myself, and in fact, I see the immense value I bring to the world by being my unique self. I have an ideal job, amazing relationships with friends and family, and a loving home with my significant other.

Truthfully, it blows my mind that I made such a drastic transformation from a quiet struggling girl who tried everything to find a way for people to love her, to being full of joy and love, spreading that happiness to others.

This was my joyful transformation. It wasn’t always easy, sometimes it was really hard to let go of my patterns or to be brave enough to take the next step, but the payoffs have been huge. I sincerely hope that you will utilize these same tools to advance your progression and experience your own Joyful Transformation.